Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Wet Start

Well the season surely has been a slow one to start. With all of Mother Nature's rain and nowhere for it to go, we are having one very damp welcome to spring.

The golf course is still very wet, as many of the areas that have been affected are still very unplayable. We are trying our very best to cut all areas of the course, as well as repair the washed out sections of cartpath that we lost in the rains of only a few weeks ago. As you can imagine we cannot put our large, imposing equipment into the wet areas as they will cause more damage than good.

I have made the decision to allow the carts to roll, however on May 1. If you are a carter please just pay attention to the wet areas and the rules that will be made available to you at the proshop before your round. We are inciting a 90 degree rule in the fairways and a rough and cartpath where available rule until we are able to open the course completely.

I personally thank you for your patience in this long spring and hope we have great weather for you to enjoy right on through until late November.

Enjoy your round.